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Blossoms of my Life Radio Ministry 501c(3)
Ramona Trevino, AKA I.M.Dauntless


Your interview is Free of charge, if you would like to donate to my ministry that is always a blessing. By mail you can send a check to Blossoms of My Life Ministry at

P.O. Box 22731 Bakersfield, CA 93390
Or Zelle under my phone number (661)859-9749

Elevation Radio Network

Thank you for your interest in being interviewed on Blossoms of my Life Radio. The purpose of this ministry is solely to encourage others and share what God is doing in your lives. We have many gifts and talents and if we can continuously give God glory others will be encouraged to also go out and search for ways to help others.

What I need:

  • ï‚· A short Bio

  • ï‚· Photo

  • ï‚· Your phone number

  • ï‚· Any links or graphics to your work (if you have books or websites)

  • ï‚· A photo that I can use on social media to announce your show

  • ï‚· Days of the week and times that work best for you


I am free most Saturdays in the morning (Pacific Standard time) and can also record in the afternoons most weekdays. I am on the West Coast so there may be a time difference for you.


Interview will take approximately 30-45 minutes and once edited and scheduled to air, it will air on a Monday at 1:30pm (PST) on Elevation Radio Network Interview will be over the phone and recorded.


I will call and or email you prior to the interview to confirm our date and time.

Pray about what you will want to share.

Remember to ask yourself, what and how can share and give God Glory in a way that will, encourage


After the interview you will receive a copy of the interview via Drop Box once it is edited.


You have full rights to share in any way you like, social media or on your website. I will also post on Facebook that we are airing. Which is why I need a headshot or photo for me to use on my post, otherwise I will pull from your website or social media pages.


Just a reminder:

In order to find out more about you I request a short testimony and bio of the works or project you would like highlighted. As brief as possible, no need to worry about the presentation it is only for my eyes so that I can have a little background about you for the introduction. It can be brief enough to see what your
life was like before, and how you got to know Jesus, to what it is like now, after and how God is using you and your story to make a difference for His Kingdom.

You can also listen to my past shows on my website: to get an idea of my shows and how they flow.

Thank you again for your interest I look forward to hearing
from you
Elevation Radio Link to Blossoms of My Life Radio

Photos: Moments Photography: 802-380-3207

WebDesigner - JandKAssociates

© 2021-2025 

Blossoms of My Life Ministries - 501(c)3 Non Profit


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