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I have never felt such a tug to pray over anyone that was expecting. I have to admit it was refreshing to sit at my table every morning to pray and speak to God over this child. I pray that this book will encourage others to do the same, either for their own children or maybe for their grandchildren. Most importantly, how blessed each new life would be if we started to speak life over them as their life starts within the womb.

Look for the Spanish Version of this book soon!!


This is the story of how God answered my prayer and sent me to the right place to experience what I can only say was an answer to my prayers and a life changing experience that has enhanced my walk with Christ.







Esta es la historia de cómo Dios respondió mi oración y me envió al lugar correcto para experimentar lo que solo puedo decir que fue una respuesta a mis oraciones y una experiencia que cambió mi vida y que ha mejorado mi caminar con Cristo.Durante muchos años, durante mi caminar cristiano, había oído hablar del Espíritu Santo y me enseñaron que era mi consejero, consolador y maestro. Me enseñaron que Él nos fue dado cuando fuimos salvos para ayudarnos en nuestro viaje y relación con Cristo."Tenía sed de descubrir cómo podría experimentar esta relación".Por esta razón, quería compartir cómo conocí al Espíritu Santo y cuánto ha cambiado mi vida.Escrito en orden cronológico, este libro dará ejemplos de cómo el Espíritu Santo me reveló Su poder, junto con algunas de las poderosas palabras que el Señor reveló en esta preciosa casa de Dios.La maravillosa presencia de Dios continúa de una manera tan poderosa en esta casa de Dios.I.M. DauntlessA.K.A. Ramona Treviño

Free At Last: The Struggle to Be Good Enough by I.M. Dauntless

A story for anyone who struggles with the thought of feeling as though they are not good enough. How a young girl suffering from PTSD finally makes it to a place of realizing she is perfect in God's eyes.

Being Revised. Check back soon!!

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Escuchar la historia de Emily. Me recureda las muchas luchas que tengo experientado a lo largo de camino de la vida. Una historia de dolar, dolar amor y los esfuerzos de tratar de hacer que el amor suceda.

Being Revised. Check back soon!!

I have the wonderful opportunity of introducing you to several families of whom I have either known personally, or have been their young adult's teacher. Most of the families I have had the honor of working with to ensure their children with special needs were receiving the best education I could possibly deliver. Families of whom I have been able to watch their children learn and develop academically, socially and emotionally over periods of 1-10 years. What an honor to be trusted with their children! Each family will be introduced in their very own chapter in this book.

Tengo la maravillosa oportunidad de presentarte a varias familias de quienes Yo he conocido personalmente, o he sido el maestro de sus j6venes adultos. La mayorfa de Las familias con las que he tenido el honor de trabajar para asegurar a sus hijos con Las necesidades especiales estaban recibiendo la mejor educaci6n posible. Familias de las cuales he podido ver a sus hijos aprender y desarrollar Academica, social y emocional durante periodos de 1-10 a nos. Que honor Para confiar en sus hijos! Cada familia sera presentada en su Capftulo de este libro.

Honored to have coached the following authors with their books:



Folsom Prison 1993 : Well Here I sit once again behind prison walls and it is not a pretty sight. This is the story of how I, a once very lost man, was called by Christ to become a pastor. Living a purposeful life.This is a book that contains some writing I compiled while in different institutions, as well as my story once I began this walk with God, and learning how God's word can change a life.


Donde comienza mi historia Únete a mí mientras comparto mis testimonios personales, así como algunosEnseñanzas de que fui guiado por el Espíritu Santo para compartir mi historia contigo, no es para decirte cómo caminar con DIOS, porque solo ÉL te dirigirá en esa parte de tu vida, pero para compartir Contigo cómo fui dirigido por el Señor. Además, mi esperanza es que el Espíritu Santo toque tu corazón, con algunas de mis revelaciones y enseñanzas. Los Los eventos y recuerdos que comparto son mi mejor recuerdo de mi Banco de memoria.

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One of the messages I pray that is gathered from this book is that God 
"Redeems, Restores and Rewards." If God can do it for me, He can do it for you. "From Serving Life to Serving Life" is God's redeeming power through faith in Jesus. The devil doesn't win in this story. God's grace is available to all. The life sentence, like the children of Israel, made me cry out to God and God heard my cry and turned his ear to me. Yet I had to go through some things in order to gain integrity, maturity and value. Whatever you are going through is merely a tool to bring you to the knowledge and the power of God. The life sentence allowed me to see that prayer works, and that God is alive, and that God is able. In it my faith has built my trust and I know my help comes from GOD. So now I am serving life by living through my faith and allowing Jesus to live through me. I suppose there's a great deal more to share and we will in time but, for now this is From Serving Life to Serving Life. 

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Friends & Followers!!!
My publisher has not removed my book ("Free At Last The Struggle To Be Good Enough) 
upon my request and is still receiving revenue. 

Please do not purchase the 1st edition. A new and revised 2nd edition is now available in Spanish and English.

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